
Characterization must begin at home: in the body

Mazzone-Clementi, 1979



Sheryl Brahnam, (2005) "A computational model of the trait impressions of the face for agent perception and smart face synthesis" The Interdisciplinary Journal of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour, 2(1) (Forthcoming).

Sheryl Brahnam and Sean Zdenek, (2004) "Designing women the old-fashioned way: The gendered rhetoric of animated interface design" paper presented in the 17th Annual Conference of the Society of Literature and Science, Durham, NC.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2004) "The virtual text is watching you: Facing the virtual face interface" paper presented in the 17th Annual Conference of the Society of Literature and Science, Durham, NC.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2004) "Towards smart embodiment for virtual agents" in The Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS04), New York City, Columbia University, pp. 1268-1269.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2004). A study in artificial personality from the perspective of the observer. In the proceedings of Modeling Other Agents from Observations (MOO 2004), New York City, pp. 57-64.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2004). Artificial personality and the need to include the observational perspectives more centrally in the research agenda. In the proceedings of Modeling Other Agents from Observations (MOO 2004), New York City, pp. 109-112.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2004) "Modeling the physical personality of the face for ECA self-presentation and interaction with users and the relation of physical personality to emotion" in the proceedings of the AAMAS workshop entitled Embodied Conversational Agents: Balanced Perception and Action in ECAs, New York City, pp. 26-33.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2004).  "Type/Face," M/C: A journal of media and culture 7(1).


Sheryl Brahnam (2003).  "Person perception for social agents: Research on outfitting social agents with a facial trait perception system," Innovative concepts for agent-based systems, W. Truszkowski, C. Rouff, M. Hinchey, editors, Springler (LNAI 2564), NY, pp. 460-462.


Sheryl Brahnam (2003)  "Smart faces for smart agents: Notes on modeling the social impressions of the face for face synthesis" in the 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing - The 7th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS 2003), Cary, NC.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2003)  “Notes on evolving artifactual artisans from within the cultural space of the face (abstract)” in the The 17th Annual Conference of the Society of Literature and Science: Rethinking Time + Space Across Science, Literature + the Arts, Austin, TX.


Sheryl Brahnam (2002). "Agents as artists: Automating socially intelligent embodiment" in the Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the Philosophy & Design of Socially Adept Technologies, in conjunction with CHI 2002, Minneapolis,MN.


Sheryl Brahnam, (2002). “Self-adapting face interfaces: Task-reflecting embodiment” poster presentation in the Proceedings of the First GSFC/JPL Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts (WRAC), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (abstract).


Sheryl Brahnam, (2001). "Creating physical personalities for agents with faces," in the Proceedings of the User Modeling (UM 2001) Workshop on Attitudes, Personality and Emotions in User-Adapted Interactions, Sonthofen, Germany.



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